Welcome to the Dexter@FIT homepage! We are a team of researchers in the Department of Information Systems, Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University of Technology, specializing in data processing and visualization for Smart Cities. We develop innovative web-based solutions aimed at enhancing urban living, improving data-driven decision-making, and advancing the integration of smart technologies into everyday life.
From small sensors to industrial grade devices, our goal is to make the large and diverse world of IoT more approachable for the end-users. We aim to achieve this by both providing a visual tool that would allow the user to describe the interaction process and creating an unified approach, that would allow the integration of custom devices via an user-defined device capability schema. Currently we specialize on devices that are parts of LoRaWAN or Zigbee networks. Other technologies we use include the MQTT protocol, RabbitMQ, ChirpStack, Docker, modern database systems including InfluxDB and CockroachDB.
More details...Modern transport systems cannot be managed without the collection and use of good quality data. On the other hand, we believe that it is important to make this data available to the general public who use these systems on a daily basis. We aim to achieve these goals by creating interactive tools that both enable advanced analysis of transportation systems and allow the public to use this data to move through these systems more quickly. A second important goal we are pursuing is the effort to expand and improve the information that the traveling public needs to obtain about such systems.
More details...Open data is also related to the standardization of data formats carrying similar information, evaluation of data accuracy and quality of datasets. A subset of these data includes government data. Many people make decisions about our lives, but there is a lack of tools to clearly track our representatives and their decisions. Data alone is not enough. It is necessary to exploit its potential, process it further and reap all the benefits from it. That's why we focus on building applications that process such datasets and cooperate with the producers of such data. In our projects we use predominantly web technologies, e.g. Flask, React, PrimeReact, Leaflet.
More details...In addition to the practical application of data processing and visualization, we focus on the underlying general principles. Data visualization plays a critical role in making complex datasets, such as those associated with big data, more understandable by representing them through visual formats like charts, and maps. This approach enables efficient extraction of meaningful insights from large volumes of data, revealing trends, patterns, and anomalies that might otherwise remain hidden. Our team explores various techniques for presenting information in a clear and user-friendly manner, as well as evaluating its usability. We specialize in dashboard design, geovisualization, and multidimensional data processing. Our technology stack primarily includes D3.js, Leaflet, well-known visualization libraries like Nivo and Chart.js, along with other web frameworks based on JavaScript/TypeScript, HTML, and CSS.
More details...Each year we supervise a number of bachelor and master theses. We emphasize the applicability of the results to practice and good final grades.
Position: Ph.D. Student
geographic data, public transport systems, GIS
Position: Ph.D. Student
IoT, Smart City, CI/CD, cloud (AWS), Docker, web technologies, Dexter admin
Position: Assistant Professor
all kind of data processing and visualization above, web technologies
We consult and discuss our topics with prof. Ing. Tomáš Hruška CSc. and doc. Ing. Radek Burget Ph.D. in Information and Database Systems Research Group
Faculty of Information Technology
Brno University of Technology
Božetěchova 2, 612 66 Brno, Czech Republic